Corporate Guideline


The people at Betz-Chrom GmbH share the goal of “green electroplating” – that is our vision. With high-quality services and modern technology, we improve the surfaces of steel components and contribute to a safe and modern life. Our employees are excellently trained and actively promote a positive working atmosphere. The compatibility of economic, ecological and social projects is a matter of course for us.


Betz-Chrom GmbH lives the vision of “green electroplating”. This vision characterises all areas of the company and our sustainable actions. We are committed to fulfilling the requirements of all relevant interest groups and pursuing a holistic approach so that both the company and society benefit.

We integrate the interests of all relevant parties and derive measures to achieve our goals. These targets are regularly reviewed through internal audits, management reviews and defined measurement cycles and adjusted as necessary. Our sustainability report makes our actions transparent.

Who we are

Betz-Chrom GmbH was founded in 1952 and specialises in high-quality component finishing. Our range of services includes galvanic hard chrome plating, chemical nickel plating and mechanical processing, including grinding, polishing and finishing of complex components.

We are proud to offer our services for demanding projects in a wide range of industries, including the plastics industry, mechanical engineering, aerospace, printing and film industry, energy production and the food industry. Our expertise and commitment to the highest quality make us a valued partner for companies.

We communicate openly both internally and externally and are always prepared to apply the best available procedures. Our actions are characterised by reliability, honesty and transparency.

What sets us apart

A high level of expertise, many years of experience, reliable measuring technology and modern CNC grinding technology enable us to fulfil our customers’ precision requirements down to the micrometre range. Our suppliers are selected consciously and according to clear criteria.

Betz-Chrom GmbH is certified in accordance with EN 9100, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 50001. In addition, as a hazardous incident company, we fulfil the requirements of the Hazardous Incident Ordinance through an externally audited and certified safety management system.

Our management systems require clear leadership. Our managers are aware of their responsibility and actively fulfil their role model function by providing the resources to implement action plans.

Changes in our company structure

Changes to our company structure are only made with the written consent of all relevant persons responsible. This approach ensures a holistic view of environmental aspects, energy impacts, occupational health and safety measures and quality criteria. Risks and opportunities – including those arising from climate change – are systematically taken into account in order to ensure continuous improvement.

Our unique selling point

Our unique selling point is our advice on optimised component processing. Our consulting services are provided exclusively by experienced specialists. Together with suppliers and customers, we develop environmentally friendly solutions that extend the service life of components and fulfil modern requirements in terms of comfort, safety and profitability.

Our commitments

We are committed to conscientiously fulfilling all legal requirements. A solid security system is anchored in our processes, supported by a compliance management system, risk analyses and external data protection audits.

The safety of our employees is a key objective. Regular training, awareness-raising and external consultations structure our occupational safety. Daily vigilance and the STOP system help us to implement possible improvements.

Social commitment

We are committed to ensuring an environment worth living in for future generations. This includes supporting the outpatient hospice service, sponsorships for endangered animal species, the colonisation of bees and many other projects. We support organisations such as HateAid, Lichtblick Seniorenhilfe, Malteser Hospizdienst and aid transports for Caritas Ukraine.


We live by the principles of the circular economy and sustainability. We are setting standards in the area of steel recycling in particular, and we want to realise further potential in other areas of recycling. Our aim is to save energy, optimise its use and replace fossil energy sources with more climate-friendly alternatives.

We are also involved in regional and national initiatives to help tackle the climate crisis. This includes reforestation projects, the promotion of biodiversity and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. We organise our production processes in a climate-friendly way and rely on innovative technologies to conserve resources.

Employee development and appreciation

We attach great importance to the development of our employees – both professionally and personally. We encourage and challenge all employees individually. Through knowledge management, we ensure the transfer of our expertise across generations. We offer professional and personal development opportunities through training, further education and sabbaticals. Our interaction is characterised by appreciation and openness.

Our values

We value our Betz-Chrom team, enjoy our work and maintain respectful, solution-orientated communication. Tolerance and diversity are fundamental principles for us. The continuous improvement process is important to us and leads to growth. We are open in our exchanges, sincere in our discussions and aim to understand and fulfil the needs of our partners in the best possible way.

We live consciously: GOOD – OPEN – RELIABLE

Betz-Chrom – your partner for strong parts

In the sense of a trustful partnership, you will receive highly qualified technical advice from us that is tailored to your needs. We combine 70 years of experience in surface technology with an innovative and inquisitive corporate culture. Our quality awareness, our occupational health and safety management as well as our measures for environmental protection and energy saving are audited and certified according to DIN standards. As an on-schedule partner with high quality level, we constantly aim to find the optimal process solution for you.