Corporate Social Responsibility

… on the path to sustainability

In galvanic surface finishing, functional layers with a thickness of just a few μm are applied to the base material of a workpiece. Thanks to the properties of the coating, the components become more durable, more efficient, more break-resistant and gain better gliding abilities – in short: the galvanic surface coating saves resources. For example, according to the Federal Environment Agency, economists estimate that galvanic surface finishing prevents around €150 billion in corrosion and wear damage each year in Germany alone (source: Federal Environment Agency/Umweltbundesamt).

Our vision of green electroplating

We assume responsibility for using the chemicals and energy required for the coating process in the most environmentally friendly and resource-saving way possible. Our certified environmental management system according to ISO 14001 is the basis of the continuous improvement process of our environmental performance. We actively pursue the substitution or, if this is not yet possible, the reduction of hazardous substances. In addition, we aim to continuously increase our energy efficiency with our certified ISO 50001 energy management system. Despite our energy-intensive processes, we have been using 100% green electricity since 2008. With the qualified voluntary environmental services, Betz-Chrom participates in the Environment + Climate Pact Bavaria (Umwelt + Klimapakt Bayern).

We act consistently according to the S-T-O-P principle: substitution before technical measures before organisational measures before personal measures. Our occupational health and safety measures are certified according to ISO 45001. Here you can find our certifications.

Our logo emphasises our awareness of sustainability and our business model: the rhinoceros is threatened by poaching because of its horn and is an endangered species. At the same time, with its armoured, hard yet finely structured skin, it symbolises our core competence – the surface finishing of complex geometries. In keeping with this, we have taken over the sponsorship of the rhinoceros, Nikolaus, at the Munich zoo Hellabrunn.

Logo der Betz-Chrom GmbH auf CSR-Bericht 2023

Download CSR reports (German only):

Certificates (partly in German language only)

Energy Management
Environmental Management
Green Electricity
Environment + Climate Pact

United for a strong society

We see ourselves as an integral part of society. We are employers, partners for our customers and suppliers and a neighbor with close ties to the area. As a company, we have the opportunity to help shape our society and we would like to actively use this opportunity.

We are very happy to train young people to become qualified professionals. The dual training system in Germany is valued worldwide and we see vocational education as the cornerstone for a self-determined and meaningful future.

At our company people from around 14 different nations work hand in hand. True to the motto “Vielfalt statt Einfalt” (translating to “Diversity instead of simplicity”), integration is an integral part of our corporate culture. We are also publicly campaigning for a diverse community. Betz-Chrom is a member of the NETZWERK “Unternehmen integrieren Flüchtlinge” (Companies Integrate Refugees). At the same time, we feel connected to our “Heimat” (meaning where we come from and where we feel at home) and therefore also support social and cultural institutions in our neighborhood.

Among others, we have already donated to: Malteser outpatient hospice service, Gräfelfing Volunteer Fire Department, Gräfelfing Beekeepers’ Association, Munich Hellabrunn Zoo, LichtBlick Seniorenhilfe e.V., AMYNA e.V., Zeltschule e.V., Aktion Deutschland Hilft, UNO Refugee Aid and many more.

Betz-Chrom – your partner for strong parts

In the sense of a trustful partnership, you will receive highly qualified technical advice from us that is tailored to your needs. We combine 70 years of experience in surface technology with an innovative and inquisitive corporate culture. Our quality awareness, our occupational health and safety management as well as our measures for environmental protection and energy saving are audited and certified according to DIN standards. As an on-schedule partner with high quality level, we constantly aim to find the optimal process solution for you.