Our services

Surface technology for the highest demands

At Betz-Chrom, everything revolves around functional surface technology. We are your partner for strong components. With our hard chrome and electroless nickel coating processes, we enhance the technical properties of workpieces and protect them against corrosion and wear. In our mechanical processing, we use cylindrical grinding, polishing and superfinishing processes to realise dimensional tolerances and surface finishes in line with drawings. Our repair processes enable us to quickly repair damaged or worn components to a high standard of quality. We use additive manufacturing processes to speed up the construction of fixtures and prototypes. Material and surface analyses as well as technical advice round off our service portfolio.

We coat and process a wide range of components for various industries. From small precision parts to meter-sized components. From individual parts to small and medium-sized series. For companies in the immediate vicinity, in Germany, Europe and beyond. Detailed information on the individual services can be found on the respective subpages. Simply click on the respective service to find out more.

Further services

Betz-Chrom – your partner for strong parts

In the sense of a trustful partnership, you will receive highly qualified technical advice from us that is tailored to your needs. We combine 70 years of experience in surface technology with an innovative and inquisitive corporate culture. Our quality awareness, our occupational health and safety management as well as our measures for environmental protection and energy saving are audited and certified according to DIN standards. As an on-schedule partner with high quality level, we constantly aim to find the optimal process solution for you.